1海通XY299 A-10


無線通信規則第15条 Interferences
Section I − Interference from Radio Stations
15.1 § 1 All stations are forbidden to carry out unnecessary transmissions, or the 
transmission of superfluous signals, or the transmission of false or misleading signals, or the transmission of signals without identification (except as provided for in Article 19).
15.2 § 2 Transmitting stations shall radiate only as much power as is necessary to ensure 
a satisfactory service.
15.3 § 3 In order to avoid interference (see also Article 3 and No. 22.1):
15.4 a) locations of transmitting stations(送信局の場所) and, where the nature of the service permits, locations of receiving stations(受信局の場所)shall be selected with particular care;
15.5 b) radiation in and reception from unnecessary directions shall be minimized by 
taking the maximum practical advantage of the properties of directional antennas 
whenever the nature of the service permits;
15.6 c) the choice and use of transmitters and receivers shall be in accordance with the 
provisions of Article 3;
15.7 d) the conditions specified under No. 22.1 shall be fulfilled.


2 混信を避けるために、送信局の無線設備及び、業務の性質上可能な場合には、受信局の無線設備は、特に注意して選定しなければならない。

条文を覚えていなくても 5 と 2 は内容が重複しているのでどちらかが誤り、と推測できます。5の方が本当っぽいです。

5 混信を避けるために、送信機及び受信機の選択及び使用は、無線通信規則第3条(局の技術特性)の規定に従わなければならない。